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mercator.mercprojx (december2003)

this album is a kind of housecleaning for me. way back in ’93 i made trax 4 & 9, and since then i’ve pilfered from it for various other (what i can only assume you’d call) remixes.

version (2.75mb) was made in sept01. the last blast of drums was a happy accident.

bloopy (6.26mb) was made in nov03. i almost named it "cluckbloop."

excathedra (4.97mb) was made in aug93. excathedra means "from the chair." yep.

origin2 (4.83mb) was made in dec93, but i added the sinewave bassline in dec03.

projexp (5.00mb) was nade in nov93, and i used a sample i created from mid93. that weird squealey bit. andy and i were goofing around with my pro-one and some fx.

i80 (3.52mb) was a bassline i wrote in oct02, finally committed to hd nov03. better have your paxil handy.

ocathedra (1.88mb) is a remix of 3 i did in nov03. geddit? ex and o? you know, like naughts and crosses? har.

oranjeepy (6.33mb) was made in oct00. very clubby.

origin (6.04mb) was made in dec93, but i added the sinewave bassline in sept01. gel-sol would like a cleaned-up guitar version, but i’m not sure i’m going to get around to it.

goodnight (6.22mb) was made in nov03. gel-sol said it reminded him of the flaming lips. i don’t see it.