
(click title to go to its own window, or right-click (ctrl-click for mac) title to “save link as…”, or just click play to enjoy) (september2002)

all these trax are very minimal (for me). i consciously attempted not to show a wide range here, which was extremely difficult, as i am given to making albums sound more like compilations from many different artists. this, in my opinion, is a rarity in the atmosphere of genrefication so prevalent. it wasn’t a statement or anything though; i just wanted some acidy trancey stuff to drive to.

collodion (7.79mb) uses a piano riff i wrote for howie’s masters project.

diopter (4.62mb) is some good ol’ aceeeed.

fstop (8.33mb) goes "tink-tink!"

aberration (5.13mb) is chock full o’ knobtwiddling nougaty goodness.

heliograph (4.26mb) utilizes one of my fave fx: "a record that’s been used as a frisbee in a sandbox."

tintype (6.05mb) sounds like popcorn.

emulsion (5.31mb) is a threat to our vital national security interests and must be stopped at all costs.

halftone (5.99mb) reminds me of the old atari ‘dolphin’ game. if you remember it, you might see why. then again, maybe not.

aperture (5.73mb) uhoh! a semblance of a chord progression! heavens! what shall we do? maybe enjoy it?