
(click title to go to its own window, or right-click (ctrl-click for mac) title to “save link as…”, or just click play to enjoy)

mercator.syllogy (december2001)

this album is a fair indication of my musical range. i can’t help but make songs musical. con sarn it.

rapidcycler (4.33mb) was made on my laptop whilst waiting for my marxian economics course to start on several consecutive weeks.

ffneffer (3.35mb) was my first attempt at using acid (the program).

organge (6.80mb) is named after organge high school.

sft1rmx1 (1.58mb) is a rmx of the very beginning of sft1, strangely edited out (see ‘addenda:archives’).

four (2.13mb) is in 4/4 time. fancy that.

compx (2.91mb) breeds ferrets for extra income.

thirteenb (1.86mb) is a silly housemusic romp.

xericprog (7.56mb) was made in 1996 or thereabouts, but i always thought it could do with some guitar noodling. ah yeah, smoooooove, baby.

unagitrip (5.31mb) even more smoooooooove. and more gtrs.

hamburgefon (3.87mb) is named after a word that you can use to get a good look at what some typefaces will look like.

inotice (5.97mb) was originally writ in ’94 but i redid it.

smallpleasures (2.15mb) is named after a kandinsky painting that i like.

unagifunk (4.32mb) is even more smooooooove, with gtrs and bass even.

(originally also featured "version" and "origin" from "mercprojx")